Society of Irregulars promotes and sells Contemporary Art

Get to know the Artists

Purchase their artwork in the Showroom

About the Work

We deal in artwork that is congruous to its place in time—at the current outpost of an ever-growing art heritage. Paul Cézanne said: “One does not substitute oneself for the past, one merely adds to it a new link.”

We are part of a heritage which agrees that painting is drawing with color. We feature art that ignites light, reveals volumes and depth, initiates movement, and renders life in a form particular to the artist’s eye and imagination — so that it may embody a relatable human experience.

We believe that carefully looking at works of art, and nature, is a source of artistic innovation and remain essential to organic progression in art.

Our gallery is meant to act as a contemplative space for long-looking, where one can find in the various forms of each artist an endearing mystery.

The showroom is dedicated to acquiring artwork one may want to contemplate in person and live with. We believe art is a presence and as we grow with it, its effect can open and deepen our mind and perception.

Oil painting from Lascaux copies series by O’Neill Cushman


Society of Irregulars seeks to build a community of artists and of those inspired by art

Observation and Discussion

Collaboratively we explore what is timeless and temporal in painting and drawing.

Via a journal, video interviews and podcast we simultaneously observe, study, and discuss current and past artwork, writing, history and concepts for a better comprehension of an artistic tradition and how it carries on today.

Content to be released soon.

The Founder

John Springer is an American artist living and working in France. He received his Master of Fine Arts degree in Aix-en-Provence from ACM-IAU in 2023. Currently, he is a resident artist and assistant teacher at the Leo Marchutz School of Painting and Drawing in Aix. John founded Society of Irregulars in the Fall of 2023 with a vision of creating a place where the art world and artists in which he is immersed in France could have representation on an international level. As an artist, art dealer and advocate of an artistic culture from the Lascaux cave paintings to artwork today it is his mission to perpetuate the spirit of a tradition that has lived in the past and continues to live today.