John’s Story
I came to France in 2021 in search of something more. Before, I was an artist living in a Rocky Mountain town painting the American landscape. Art was my vehicle for wandering, and after a long time of following my nose I reached a precipice where I no longer knew where to go. So, with not much practical intention I went to Europe.
“I found myself at the edge of a new wilderness”
I enrolled in a school that was a part of a long artistic tradition. What I thought I knew about color, drawing and art itself was turned upside down. I found myself at the edge of a new wilderness, free of all the worldly sources of creative destruction. We were immersed in nature and guided by an ancient lineage that was not in the autumn of its existence but is in fact an eternal spring. I learned how to activate my senses and tap into the human experience through deep observation. I found my ability to see could be enhanced and magnified like a tree grows. By being out in nature I found a way to look within and discovered a new energy for creation.

“Here I was in France, a part of an endless quest”
I was no longer alone in my pursuit of mystery through painting. I found friends and mentors, fellow artists who were walking their own paths along the banks of the same artistic current. Here I was in France, a part of an endless quest painting nature in such a way as to paint a bit of ourselves.

“The journey is really just beginning”
The Society of Irregulars was founded in 2023 with the intent to share this experience with a larger audience. This enterprise is a jumping off platform for fellow artists and an incubator for creative wonder and exploration. The journey is really just beginning and we hope to see you out there. We aim to collaboratively delve deep into the phenomenon of life by looking, discussing, and creating amongst art and nature.
- John Springer, Founder