John Springer

John Springer is an American artist who lives and works in France.

He obtained his Master of Fine Arts degree from ACM in Aix-en-Provence in 2023.

“By observing particular patterns within nature I seek to render visually through painting and drawing the universal truths of the human-environment relationship. I seek to capture the fleeting and compare it to that which is timeless. My mission is to continue the tradition of landscape art which is grounded in giving meaning to our existence. It is a perpetual development of a keener vision, for it is only through seeing that I can better understand and express an authentic experience with the world through my art.”

Selected works

There are unpredictable moments in nature when I feel the warmth of a past forgotten home. I do not know what it means or if this mystical time and place are even real, but I feel it as such. And every time I do, an overwhelming peace passes through me. I paint this in the hope that it can linger.

All images property of the artist.


O'Neill Cushman